Who we are

Who are we and what do we do?


SHRail is a division of D&T focused on developing sophisticated transportation simulation software along with a variety of products and services, to ensure high final standards of quality and safety. 

Our simulators include end-to-end integration to guarantee effective global training no matter the area.
We can supply various types of simulators based on customer needs, including:
- railway simulators
- a suite of simulators for urban transport
- a simulator of A.C.E.I.
- an agent-based crowd simulator
- simulators dedicated to the training of railway or public transport personnel 

We also provide studies on crowd dynamics, and offer training courses.
All our systems are based on Italian know-how and technology. 

What are simulators for and why use them? 


SHRail simulators can help railway designers, builders and operators to achieve various objectives, such as improving the safety, performance, effectiveness and quality of a plant or service. But they also allow for specific evaluation of the impacts on sustainability and the environment during the design and implementation of a new railway system, or during the modification or modernization of an existing system.

Our simulators are used to train the various professional figures that make up the railway network (such as movement managers, drivers and maintenance workers) or they are used to train local public transport staff (such as managers and drivers). 

It has been demonstrated that the use of simulators during the training phase allows greater financial savings and a significant increase in quality standards. This translates to improved safety standards and efficiency.

For more information about our products and services,
visit the PRODUCTS and SERVICES section. 

Our Products
             Our Services